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Published at: May 29th 2024


In a makerspace, creativity flourishes with all the tools, projects, and collaborations happening around. But to keep things running smoothly and make sure everyone is happy, good organization is essential. A database can be a game-changer, providing the structured foundation needed to streamline operations. Let's explore why and how you should use a database in your makerspace.

source: generated by AI

Welcome to the no-code era. No-code databases are quickly becoming popular and changing how people think about software development. They break down technical barriers, giving makers easy access to manage data efficiently and effectively. At its heart, a no-code database employs a visual interface with drag-and-drop features and pre-built templates.. It works like any other database, organizing and storing data in structured formats. However, its true strength lies in accessibility—turning the often complex world of database management into a user-friendly platform. It's ideal for businesses and individuals who need database systems but lack the technical skills to build them from scratch.

Why you need a database in your makerspace

  • Membership management: track member details, subscriptions, skillsets and participation history.
  • Inventory management: catalog your tools, equipment, and materials. track usage history and schedule maintenance to keep everything in top shape.
  • Project tracking: monitor projects, ensuring efficient resource allocation and timely progress reporting. identify projects needing mentorship and offer targeted support.
  • Workshop & event scheduling: seamlessly schedule workshops with clear event descriptions, attendance records, and resource management.
  • Financial management: effortlessly track membership dues, donations, grants, and expenditures. generate comprehensive financial reports to guide budgeting decisions.
  • Feedback & improvement: gather valuable member feedback to identify areas for improvement. link responses to individual members for targeted follow-ups.

Benefits of databases

  • Easy to handle large amounts of data
  • Multiple people can work together on the same data at the same time
  • Keep your data accurate and reliable
  • Allows you to ask questions of your data

Setting up your database


There are two main approaches to consider:

1. Free/open-source software: Several free and open-source database programs are available, these offer flexibility and customization, but require some technical expertise to set up and maintain.

Some examples:

  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • MariaDB
  • MongoDB
  • SQLite
  • Redis
  • CouchDB

No-code examples:

  • NocoDB

An open-source no-code platform that turns any database into a smart spreadsheet.

  • Baserow

Open-source online database tool similar to Airtable.

  • InvenTree

Open-source inventory management system with a no-code approach.

  • Directus

No-code data platform to manage and connect database content with an API.

  • Saltcorn

Open-source no-code platform for creating database applications.

2. Cloud-based solutions: Cloud-based database platforms offer a user-friendly interface and require minimal technical knowledge. They often come with pre-built templates specifically designed for makerspaces.

No-code examples:

  • AirtableCombines the flexibility of a spreadsheet with the power of a database.
  • SmartsheetCloud-based platform blending spreadsheets with project management features.
  • CaspioBuild custom database applications with a drag-and-drop interface.
  • GlideTransform Google Sheets into fully functional mobile apps without coding.
  • Retool CloudCreate internal tools easily, connecting with SQL/NoSQL databases and APIs.
  • KnackCreate online databases and applications using pre-built templates.
  • NotionNotes, databases, and project management all in one flexible workspace.
  • NinoxNo-code platform offering database templates and collaboration features.
  • Quick BaseBuild custom apps and workflows using templates and automation tools.
  • Zoho CreatorLow-code platform for building custom apps with drag-and-drop and templates.

How to get you started

  1. Identify Needs: What information do you need to track? Inventory, members, projects, or a combination?
  2. Choose Your Platform: Consider your technical expertise and budget. Free options offer more control, while cloud platforms provide ease of use.
  3. Design Your Database: Define the data fields you'll need (e.g., tool name, description, quantity). Ensure it's organized and easy to navigate.
  4. Populate the Database: Input your existing data on members, tools, and projects.
  5. Train Users: Make sure members and staff understand how to access and utilize the database.

Guide to setting up and using NocoDB


Step 1: Installation

  1. Running NocoDB via .exe (Windows)
    • Download the latest Windows executable file (.exe) from the NocoDB releases page.
    • Double-click the .exe file to start NocoDB.
    • Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:8080.
  2. Docker installation (recommended)
    • Make sure Docker is installed on your system.
    • Run the following command to start NocoDB in Docker:

docker run -d --name nocodb -p 8080:8080 nocodb/nocodb

  • Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:8080.

Step 2: Set up your first database

  1. Connect to a Database
    • Click the “+ Connect Database” button on the dashboard.
    • Select your preferred database type:
      • MySQL
      • PostgreSQL
      • SQL Server
      • SQLite
      • Others
    • Enter the connection details like host, port, username, and password.
  2. Create a new table
    • Click the “+ Create table” button or select a database to see existing tables.
    • Enter a table name and add fields (columns) using the editor.
    • Set data types like text, number, date, etc.

Step 3: Customize your tables

  1. View options
    • Choose the desired table view: Grid, Gallery, Kanban, or Calendar.
    • Sort, filter, and group your data in different views.
  2. Column customization
    • Click on a column header to rename, hide, or adjust settings.
    • Add new columns using the “Add New Column” button.
  3. Link tables
    • Create relationships between tables using "Link to Another Table."
    • Set up one-to-many or many-to-many relationships.

Step 4: Add and manage records

  1. Add new records
    • Click “Add record” or enter data directly into the grid.
    • Ensure data follows the set rules and types.
  2. Edit and delete records
    • Click any cell to edit its contents.
    • Right-click a row to delete or duplicate it.

Step 5: Automate and collaborate

  1. Automations
    • Create automated workflows using “Triggers” and “Actions.”
  2. Share and collaborate
    • Share tables and views with teammates via unique links.
    • Adjust permissions (read-only, editable) for each user.

Step 6: Integrate with other tools

  1. API access
    • Each table has a built-in REST API.
  2. Third-party integrations
    • Connect with popular tools like Zapier.


Start small: Begin with a simple database project to get comfortable with the platform before tackling complex data structures.

Security: Even in no-code environments, consider basic security practices like strong passwords and user access control.

Backup Regularly: Develop a backup routine to ensure your data is safe in case of unforeseen situations.

Educate members: Provide training sessions or guides to help members understand how to use the database effectively and encourage them to adopt it.

Feedback loop: Regularly collect feedback from users to identify areas of improvement and tailor the database to better meet the needs of the makerspace.

By implementing a database, your makerspace transforms from a creative sanctuary into a data-driven hub of innovation. embrace the power of information!


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