Training on Attracting and Retaining Volunteers
Published at: February 1st 2022
What helps a FabLab or makerspace to thrive? Equipment, space, members, the main leader - they certainly play an important role in this. However, what constitutes the backbone of every successful FabLab/makerspace are their volunteers who invest their time, skills, knowledge, and motivation into their work. These skills range from technical, marketing, administrative, and others to those needed for maintaining order and cleanliness of the space. The willingness to help people or contribute to the work of the FabLab/makerspace through their time and talents/knowledge is equally important as working on 3D design and equipment in the space. At the training conducted by experts from (Poland), as part of the project 'Maker Movement Establishing in BiH and Strengthening in the Visegrad Region, 2021–2022,' supported by the Visegrad Foundation, participants learned all the essential aspects of attracting new volunteers, as well as retaining existing ones.